
יום שני, 2 בנובמבר 2009

MRIs and back pain

Are MRIs a true indicator of back pain and a need for surgery? A recent study performed at Stanford Medical Center suggests that one out of five surgeries performed on aching backs might be unnecessary.
The study also showed that abnormalities in the spinal structure were found in patients with minimal pain and no abnormalities were found with severe pain sufferers. Such inconclusive results call for more checks than a single MRI scan.
Surgery is no guarantee to relieving back problems and risks of complication always lurk, such as blood clots, paralysis, nerve injury and other surgery associated ailments such as pneumonia and reactions to anesthesia.
Most doctors recommend other treatments, such as back exercises and core strengthening exercises to relieve back pain, leaving surgery as a last alternative. If you have pain in your lower back, or suffer from sciatica, don't jump to perform an MRI so fast. Seek other methods to relive the pain.
How's your back?

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